Publish Queue
The Publish Queue plugin is helpful if you write a lot of entries in advance and want to publish them in regular intervals without manually setting the publish dates in advance.
Publish Tweeks
Publish Tweeks alters the publish/edit page to streamline it for your users. It removes the “Quick Save” and “Preview” buttons when publishing. It also cancels the redirect to the preview after saving and keeps the user on the edit screen.
Publishers Clearinghouse
Publishers Clearinghouse hides weblogs from the Publish menu. It also allows weblogs to be hidden for specific member groups.
Pur Developer
If you are logged in as a Super Admin, a small tab appears at the top left which opens a pane with 6 tables of data: Weblogs, Member Groups, Categories, Weblog Fields, Admin Quicklinks and Weblog Entries
Push To FoxyCart
‘Push to FoxyCart’ solves the problem of user details not being pushed to FoxyCart by the HCC Development FoxEE module if you are using the Solspace User Module for user registration and/or profile updates.