Pointee is an ExpressionEngine 2.0 Fieldtype that lets publishers log the x & y coordinates of a single click on an image.
Points 1.1.0
Данный модуль позволяет ввести на сайт систему начисление балов для пользователей, баллы начисляют за активность в комментариях, форуме, галереи. Можно организовывать конкурсы на этой основе, а так же позволить пользователям обмениваться баллами.
Pops grabs any text, textarea or dropdown custom field and display it as a form field in an SAEF entry or edit form, or use in a search template.
The Postponed extension will automatically record your ping- and trackback-jobs when you post a future entry and will postpone them until the entry goes live. Once the time has come it will notify any pingservers you selected and any trackback URLs you entered.
Всякий раз, когда Вы сохраняете запись, Preparse пропускает содержимое записи через шаблон, который Вы определяете, и затем сохраняет результат в одном из custom fields, который был отредактирован.
Whenever you save an entry, Preparse runs the contents of the entry through a template you specify and then saves the result in one of the custom fields of the entry that was edited.
Pretty PHP
Displays colorized PHP source code.
Primary Category
The Primary Category extension allows you to assign a primary category to an entry.
Primary Category 1.6.0
The Primary Category extension allows you to assign a primary category to an entry in ExpressionEngine with only one extra click. When you view a front-end page and have a weblog entries loop you can pull the primary category variables like all native EE category variables. Using the exp:primary_category loop, you can pull the same variables, so you have more flexibility. You can also have Primary Category remember the categories and primary categories you assign to entries to apply to the next entry, as well as configure the extension to require a Primary Category on a per Weblog basis. Additionally, your regular categories list is organized in a neat and tidy, controlled manner.
Protect Dollar Sign
Protects dollar signs in an EE variables so they are not parsed as PHP variables and thus the variable can be used in PHP on Output without problems.
Publish Buttons
Creates a floating submit button stops one from scrolling back to top of page when filling out long publish forms.
Publish Form
Reverts Publish/Edit page form back to EE 1.2.1 version without tabs
Publish Improve
Removes the ‘Quick Save’ button, adds a ‘Save as a Copy’ button to each entry, allows the use of the ‘tab’ key when editing templates, and makes many other small but powerful improvements to the control panel.