Gallery Extended
Модуль, позволяющий создать на сайте пользовательскую галерею.
2.2.1 (December 9, 2008)
- Added the ability to create a new category via the module’s Images tab in the Publish area or the Gallery Extended SAEF.
- Updated Gallery_Extended:Entries function to correctly display 0 as total comments for the gallery entry and not the author.
- Fixed a bug where one could not use the Batch tab in the CP when the first Gallery had no batch folder specified.2.2.0 (October 27, 2008)
- Added {category_id} and {category} variables to the Gallery_Extended:Entries function. (#1008)
- Added category=”” parameter to the Gallery_Extended:Entries function.
- Added {related_id} and {related_type} to the Gallery_Extended:Entries function. (#1168)
- Added Pagination to the Gallery_Extended:Entries function.
- Added weblog=”” parameter to the Gallery_Extended:Entries function for duplicate URL Titles when dynamic=“on”. (#1253)
- Added ability to have ‘random’ as a valid orderby=”” parameter value for the Gallery_Extended:Entries function. (#1008)
- Added ability to add/modify the Caption in the Manage Entries and Batch Process areas in the CP. (#1107)
- Added ability to Watermark images through the Images tab in the Publish section. (#1004, #1268)
- Added ability to Watermark images in the Batch Process in the Gallery Extended CP. (#1004)
- Modified Gallery Extended to comply with new EE 1.6.5 jQuery extension if available.
- Modified the Gallery Extended extension to have default settings when enabled.
- Modified the module’s CP to have the documentation link aligned to the right and links directly to Docs.
- Modified the Tab in the Publish area to output an error if the Gallery has no categories.
- Fixed a bug where the Gallery_Extended:Entry_Form function outputted categories in the incorrect order. (#1461)
- Fixed a bug where with the Batch Process in the CP where the correct folder path was not shown. (#1127)
- Fixed a bug where the images were not listed alphabetically by default in the Batch Process area.
- Fixed a bug in the Images tab where the new styles were being embedded in the page not the- Fixed a bug where the Gallery_Extended:Entry_Form function only allowed a maximum of 9 uploads. (#1141)
- Fixed a bug where the Gallery_Extended:Entries function would not recognize a URL Title correctly when there were numbers at the beginning or end. (#1253)2.1.2 (July 22, 2008)
- Fixed a bug in the CP with Session ID Authentication2.1.1 (July 9, 2008)
- Fixed Image Tab status bug
- Fixed gallery_name=”” parameter bug - now accepts both short_name and Full Name2.1.0 (May 14, 2008)
- Added extension hooks on insert and delete routines
- Added offset parameter to entries function
- Added {total_count} and {count} variables to Entries function
- Added dynamic=“off” parameter for Entries function
- Added extension for Images tab in Publish/Edit page to allow for easy uploading and relating of photos
- Enhanced recount routines
- Fixed a CP issue for ExpressionEngine 1.6.3 compatibility2.0.4 (February 25, 2008)
- Fixed return parameter issue2.0.3 (February 21, 2008)
- Fixed photo upload count bug
- Fixed override_resize parameter bug
- Fixed watermark bug
- Fixed allow_comments bug
- Fixed return parameter issue
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