Данный модуль позволяет пользователям добавлять других пользователей в друзья. Также есть оповещение о сообщениях, которые оставили пользователи из своего списка друзей.
The Followers module allows you to create friend-like relationships between site members. A member can choose to become a follower of another member, which can, for example, allow them to be notified when that member writes a new post, comment on an article or send a message.
- Follower module thumbnailFollower module adding a new friend
- Follower module thumbnailFlexible member display
- Follower module thumbnailManage your list of friendsThe module allows the management of a friend list. Features are:
- Members can add other members to their list of friends
- Members can remove other members from their list of friends
- Relationships are one-way (ie, if A follows B, B does not automatically follow A)
- Members can add protected content that only people on their friends list can access
СсылкиСсылки по теме:
Follower докментация
Introducing the Followers module - Part 1
Introducing the Followers module - Part 2
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