Новый модуль позволяющий крайне просто создавать новые формы + template редактор для оповещения по email. На первый взгляд является более юзерфрендли версией Solspace FreeForm.
По всем параметрам(идея, исполнение) должен быть платным, но он бесплатный!
Тема на форуме.
Table of Contents
* Overview
* The Form Tag
* Forms Entries
The form entries {exp:forms:entries} allows you to display a list of form entries that where successfully submitted to the database. You can also use this tag to display a single entry.
Limit all returned entries by a specific form. (Default: All forms)
Limit the result to a specific entry. Useful for form submission returns.
Limit the amount returned. (Default: 30)
Limit the amount returned. (Default: date)
In which direction to sort your entries, asc or desc. (Default: asc)
{forms:form_label}The form title
{forms:form_short_name}The form short name
{forms:form_description}The form’s description
{forms:form_id}The form’s ID
{forms:date format=”%F %d %Y”}The submission date of the form (use Date Variable Formatting Docs as reference)
{forms:ip_address}The IP Address of the user who submitted the form.
{forms:email}The email used in the Email Template that was send to the user. (even if that email was not send, this variable outputs the users email, if any)
{forms:some_field:label}This variable outputs the label of this specific field. Replace ‘some_field’ with the field short name of the field you want.
{forms:some_field:content}This variable outputs the submitted content of this specific field. Replace ‘some_field’ with the field short name of the field you want.
{forms:some_field:type}This variable outputs the field type of this specific field. Replace ‘some_field’ with the field short name of the field you want.
Variable Pairs
{forms:fields} {/form:fields}This variable pair loops over all fields associated with this form.
{forms:attachments} {/form:attachments}This variable pair loop over all file attachments associated with this form entry.
Forms Fields Var Pair VariablesThese variable are only available from within the {forms:fields} variable pair.
{forms:field:label}This variable outputs the label of this field.
{forms:field:content}This variable outputs the submitted content of this field.
{forms:field:type}This variable outputs the field type of this field.
Forms Attachments Var Pair Variables & ConditionalsThese variable are only available from within the {forms:attachments} variable pair.
{forms:filename}This variable outputs the filename of the attachment
{forms:file_url}This variable outputs the file url of the attachment
{forms:filesize}This variable outputs the filesize of the attachment
{if forms:no_attachments}This conditional evaluates to TRUE when there are no file attachment.
{if forms:no_entries} {/if}This conditional will evaluate to TRUE if the {exp:forms:entries} tag did not find any entries.
Table of Contents
* Overview
* The Form Tag
* Forms Entries
The form tag {exp:forms:form} enables you the generate the form you need. Since you have to pre-create the forms in the Forms Module CP, each form has a Form Name (short name) which is used as an identifier so the tag can grab the correct form information from the database.You have the option to generate the form manually, or let tag generate one for you. It all depends on your needs. If you make use of the autogeneration options to generate your form, all the changes you make on the backend (order/title etc) will automatically be updated in your live form.
form=”” (required)form=“some_name”
The {exp:forms:form} tag needs to know which form it must connect with. This is a required parameter. Leaving it out or using an non-existing form name will return nothing.
return=”” (somewhat required)return=“page/contact/success”
return=“page/confirmation/%ENTRY_ID%/”The ‘return’ parameter determines where to send users once they have submitted your form.
You can also use %ENTRY_ID% variable since it will become the newly created form entry id.
Variablesnone yet
Variable Pairs
{forms:errors} {/forms:errors}Forms Error Handler: See the Form Submission Error Section
{forms:autoform} {/forms:autoform}With this variable pair you can generate your forms automatically: See the Auto Form Section
Form Submission Error
The Forms module supports form submission errors that enables you to show custom error messages to your users when they make an error. To display errors you need to use the {form:errors} variable pair.
Form Error VariablesThese variables are only available only within the {form:errors} variable pair.
{error:type}Which error type? Known types are:
* required - Required field
* file_upload - File Upload Error{error:field_short_name}
The specific field’s short_name
{error:field_title}The specific field’s label
{error:filename}The filename of the file that caused an error.
{error:error_msg}Optional error message. Known messages are:
* other - General
* filesize - File size of the uploaded file is too big (php post_max_size, max_file_size)Auto Form
Since the Forms module allows you to design your forms in the CP, you also need a way to autogenerate them in your form. For this we need to use the {form:autoform} variable pair.
Auto Form VariablesThese variables are only available only within the {form:autoform} variable pair.
{form:element_title}The Form Element Title (Form Field Label)
{form:element}The Form Element (Form Field Element)