Update Notes for Version 1.3

Update your Member Profile Templates

Due to the changes in how ExpressionEngine 1.3 deals with member templates, the "member" Template Group is no longer necessary. After you finish the update, you can log into your Control Panel, go to the Templates tab, and delete the member template group

ExpressionEngine 1.3 has greatly changed the member profile section, adding support for private messaging, avatars, signatures, etc., and the structure of the templates has changed. Unfortunately, this means it is not possible to retain any previous changes you might have made. Once you complete the update to 1.3 you may update the new templates, which can be accessed via Admin > Member Profile Templates.

Update your Statistics Tag

If you make use of the {exp:stats} EE Tag in your site then you may need to make one small change. If you're using the {member_names} variable pair then you will need to change the path from "member/profile" to "member/index". For instance, if you previously had this:


<a href="{member_path=member/profile}">{name}</a><br />


You will need to alter it to this:


<a href="{member_path=member/index}">{name}</a><br />


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